Stadtwerkstatt / STWST
**Bloodproof of Life, Part Videoproof**
Lifeblood Detection, Projection, Installation, Art Edition
**In September 2023, STWST organised the format Bloodproof of Life** - as a collective art action with real lifeblood.
An appeal was made: Stadtwerkstatt gives you back your lifeblood - come and get it!
**4 ml of blood was taken from volunteers.** This was followed by several checks of the participants and their lifeblood, by survey, seal, blockchain, hash and video proof. The authenticity of blood, participants, hash, chain, video and overall participation in the collective lifeblood project was confirmed in a reciprocal multiple proof. Finally, the participants received their ampoule of lifeblood back as a transformed, certified blood-to-art object suitable for the art market.
**During its realisation at STWST, the format led to constant queuing.** Topics between "lifeblood as a resource", i.e. the internal operating systems of engagement, and the currently discussed extraction of resources and the best parts of people, their DATA, were critically reflected - as well as the technological and social regimes that make this possible.
This was the [[https://stwst48x9.stwst.at/en/bloodproof_of_life|Bloodproof of Life as a collective art action with real lifeblood]] in the Stadtwerkstatt 2023.
**In 2024, at STWST48x10, the video proof** plus parts of the multiple checks are shown, plus an installative setting.
**The VIDEOPROOF shows around 90 participants** who wanted their lifeblood back.
They tested the authenticity of their lives in a multiple proof – and/or planned to go on the art market with their lifeblood.
**On Occasion of STWST48x10 NOPE: Determination of the LIFEBLOOD Art Edition:**
1 Hashchain Test STWST
2 Hashchain Test servus.at
3 Oona Valarie Serbest
4 Katharina Weinberger
5 Stefan Prielinger
6 Bart Lootsma
7 Aylin Yilmaz
8 Antonio Tricoli
9 Anika Kronberger
10 Dr. Ursula Maria Lücke
11 Flo
12 Michaela Akman-Mayer
13 Linus Ywain Brandstätter
14 Stefan Krummenacker
15 Sonja Hart
16 Onur Olgaç
17 Kartoffel Mehlig
18 Holger Watermann
19 Juan Linares
20 Theresa Klabacher
21 Flo Klabacher
22 Ina Fischer
23 David McDonald
24 Annika Strassmair
25 Floriama Candrea
26 Aderieg
27 Diane Pricob
28 Murkovic Aleksandar
29 Elisabeth Ertl
30 Lisa Vollovec
31 Aban Salehi
32 Jan-Nahuel Jenny
33 Infamia, Edeltrud
34 Infamia, Scholestika
35 Infamia, Kalypso
36 Infamia, Ulva
37 Infamia, Wunna
38 Infamia, Diotima
39 Lisa Rastic
40 Daphne Varekamp
41 Emma Boom
42 314159
43 Anna Despends
44 Infamia, Dankrun
45 taro
46 Micha Gerersdorfer
47 Simon Gmajner
48 Tamara Mihalic
49 Nastja Ambrožvič
50 Raphaela Salhofer
51 Claudia Dworschak
52 Tanja Brandmayr
53 Astrid Benzer
54 Jörg Parnreiter
55 Giac O’ Moe
56 Silvana Steinbacher
57 Valerie vom Hofe
59 Timon Schwarz-Wissel
60 Mars
61 Eva Pondrik
62 Olivia Schütz
63 Eva Grün
64 Samir Ibrahim
65 Georg
66 Gaga Vulvovic
67 Okambo
68 Melitta Luong
69 Daniela Silberstein
70 Jul Marian
71 Jonas Martschin
72 Theresa Schubert
73 Anna Portenkirchner
74 Stephan Kepplinger
75 Bastian Lehner
76 Mariia Serhiienko
77 Matthias Pitscher
78 Gabriele Kepplinger
79 Eva Debevc
80 Antionio Zingaro
81 Rulitza Georgieva
82 Joana-Sophia Vangelova
83 Antionio Zingaro Jr.
84 bune
85 Dominik Kreil
86 Theresa Klabacher
87 Natascha Schwaiger
88 Rafael Müller
89 Felix Vierlinger
90 Gams
**BLOODPROOF OF LIFE, 2024, Videoproof, Installation and Determination of the Art Edition**
Overall concept and realisation: Tanja Brandmayr/STWST
Video editing: Franziska Thurner
**BLOODPROOF OF LIFE, 2023, Collective Art Action with your Lifeblood**
8.-10. Sept 2023 at STWST Linz
A project of STWST
Conceived in the main parts: Tanja Brandmayr/Quasikunst
Relevant support: servus.at
All info and full line-up of the many great people involved:
**//Stadtwerkstatt / STWST//** (A): The Stadtwerkstatt / STWST has existed since 1979 and is the first autonomous art and culture centre in Linz. From the very beginning, it has been associated with a self-understanding of initiative, activism, subculture and a practice of constantly redefining contexts. In media and media art, the location has had a history of relevant projects since the 1980s. Today, Stadtwerkstatt works in the areas of New Art Contexts, runs media such as the newspaper Versorgerin, runs the Music Club and the Cafe Strom. Between art, media, criticism, music, underground and the mixed spheres of the building, activities are formed that are comprehensive, interdisciplinary and motivated by artistic, cultural, technological and socially relevant intentions. stwst.at
**//Images://** Videostills, Astrid Benzer