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Veronika Lesniak, Ralf Petersen & Laura Wegscheider **Flying Dutchwoman**
---- Projection-Installation Space in between houses and Waterchamber On view throughout ---- {{:2_2.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\ Projections, projections, fresh projections! Armed with salt water and ghost stories, the **Flying Dutchwoman** haunts the space between the houses, where she can also be visited through two windows and via ladders. **Lesniak, Petersen & Wegscheider** begin their story with confusion: Who is projecting? Where are the projections located? Even in retrospect, it is difficult to say with certainty which journey of the Flying Dutchwoman this installation is actually about. \\ The **Flying Dutchwoman** is an interstitial performance that calls for active engagement, but also provokes passive involvement. \\ //„I’m going to tell a secret: my dress is lovely and I don’t want to die.“// – **Clarice Lispector** ----- //**Veronika Lesniak**// chaotically chooses the right paths; if she hadn't gone to Linz after her apprenticeship as a watchmaker, she might have gone to Aschau in Burgenland to continue her studies. Today she floats between many analog media and works absentmindedly on everything that seems possible to her. //**Ralf Petersen**// is interested in tactile things, assembles and cuts up analog film, tapes or GDR mopeds. //**Laura Wegscheider**// has no A-levels, comes from a working-class family and grew up in a small village in the low mountain range. She enjoys working with old materials, whether on the building site or in the film lab.