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S()fia Braga **Forehead Vulva Channeling Research **
---- Video on Screen Foyer, 1st floor Continuous ---- {{:1_forehead-vulva-channeling-research_sofia-braga_still-from-video.png?1200nolink|}} \\ **//S()fia Braga’s Forehead Vulva Channeling Research// is a speculative project** that uses transmedia storytelling performances, AR and immersive installations to study human’s potential to reach lifelong emotional well-being through a recalibration of human pleasure centers. **//Forehead Vulva Channeling Research// is an ongoing speculative transhumanist research**, which focuses on developing advanced studies on the human body’s potential to reach lifelong emotional well-being via a re-calibration of pleasure-centers by channeling virtual organs through the use of specialized technologies. The project molds new hybrid identities that are in a constant state of flux, fearlessly challenging and disrupting established notions of bodily performance. Central to its exploration is the concept of self-identification, viewed as an everlasting process of transmutation, where individual habits and beliefs are continuously constructed and disrupted as we navigate our place in society. \\ \\ ---- //**Forehead Vulva Channeling Research is showcased as part of TecTales.** TecTales is a multidimensional screening event at the exhibition space discotec in Vienna and presents significant positions in contemporary video art and creates a dedicated and communal space where moving images can be experienced in their full length. For the STWSTx48 festival, TecTales transforms into a 48-hour non-stop cinema spectacle and is delighted to present a selection of short movies by Johanna Bruckner, Susanna Flock and S()fia Braga. The works delve into speculative, queer and gentle narratives that investigate the intersection between humans and technology. They offer diverse perspectives on non-human perception and agency, reflecting on the complexities of consciousness and existence.// **TecTales is curated by Tina Kult and presented in cooperation with discotec.** ---- //**S()fia Braga, Forehead Vulva Channeling Research,**// IT | 2021 | 5’19 **//S()fia Braga//** is a transmedia artist and film director, conducts artistic research that combines digital and post-digital practices. Her work focuses on transhumanism, human and non-human collaboration, and "Interveillance," revealing social media's power dynamics. S()fia's identity evolves with her narratives, embodying roles from AI auteur to cyberstalker. She holds degrees from the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna and the University of Art and Design of Linz. She holds degrees from the Academy of Fine Arts of Bologna and the University of Art and Design of Linz. Awards include the Content Vienna Award and Kunstförderpreise der Stadt Linz. Her work has been exhibited at Ars Electronica, WRO Biennale, and Kunstforum Wien. https://sofiabraga.com **//Tina Kult//** (*1991, Semipalatinsk, KAZ) is a media artist based in Vienna. She studied Digital Art at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Experimental Film at UdK Berlin. She is co-founder of the collective T(n)C with Agnes Varnai, and her works explore socio-cultural morphologies, economic and social concepts of productivity, labor, and (self-)care. In 2022, she received the Marianne.von.Willemer Prize for Digital Media. At discotec she curates the screening series TecTales. https:/tinakult.com, https://tnctnctnc.com/ **//discotec//** is an exhibition space in the center of Vienna, dedicated to contemporary media and performance art. It provides an independent platform for emerging artists exploring the digital society and innovative exhibition formats. https://discotec.art \\ **DOCUMENTATION** The documentary mainly shows //**the shared cinema room**// of the TecTales series, where the 4 films by Johanna Bruckner (Metabolic Hardware), S()fia Braga (Forehead Vulva Channeling Research) and Susanna Flock (I don't exist yet, Building A.I. out of Clay) were shown. {{gallery>:doku:tectales}}