Stadtwerkstatt / STWST Dptm. Unstable Imaginations
**Kriechlicht Das Wesen (Creeping Light The Being)**
Light installation
Entrance area ceiling
**The STWST as a place of imagination and manifestation. Dots of light crawl through the house as beings** seeking their manifestation - or scanning their surroundings: Points of light run through parts of the house and defy clear interpretation.
**Anyone who wants to see a light sculpture should do so. We, however, claim points of light as cohabitants of a yet unknown kind.**
**In their fundamental otherness, the creeping lights** move on sculptural tracks across the ceilings of the house, disappearing back into the wall at key points, imagining themselves somewhere else - or continuing elsewhere in the house or even in their own future.
**With this abstraction, STWST** is focussing on its long-standing exploration of the topic of consciousness and, in contrast to the current big data and AI discourses, would like to highlight the difference between relative and actual consciousness: A being IS A CATEGORY LEAP - and not a mechanical increase in complexity. We thus negate the amazement at technology, alias subservience to the technocapitalist contexts that have become totalitarian.
**The media are making themselves invisible** - and so do we.
//In the house of the Stadtwerkstatt, this discourse splits into substance and essence. When the former disappears, the latter, stripped of its form, can be absorbed by the walls of the house, because the being tirelessly searches for matter that could carry it; even if this search results in many a contradictory work of art.//
**STWST Announcement:** Anyone who knows the original passage paraphrased above and the novel from which it was paraphrased and sends the novel title, author's name and the paraphrased passage to office@stwst.at will be rewarded with an as yet unknown gift from STWST.
**The STWST adds**: absoluteness, imagination and contradiction are still the relevant materials with which we should work. And yes, enriched by the imagination, man's greatest natural gift.
//**Kriechlicht Das Wesen**// is a project by STWST Dptm. Unstable Imaginations and was realised by theses persons in these main functions
Idea and concept content: Tanja Brandmayr
Technical concept: Laurin Döpfner
Realisation: Laurin Döpfner, Jan Nahuel Jenny, taro knopp, Mika Bankomat, Bastian Lehner
in joint aesthetic decisions.
//**Tanja Brandmayr**// is an artist and author and has been working for many years in various contexts between art, text, media and staging. Art and context research Quasikunst . Currently head of the artist-run space STWST. Also editor of the art and culture magazines 'Versorgerin' and 'Die Referentin'. https://quasikunst.stwst.at
//**Laurin Döpfner,**// born in 1987, always had a big interest in music, photographs and electronics, so he joined Linz Art University for BA timebased and interactive media. Most of the time, he was working with video, audio and electronics. He was part of many filmfestivals und exhibitions: Crossing Europe AUSTRIA, Piano Festival IRELAND, Equinox Vigil CANADA, Scinema AUSTRALIA, Spacesgallery USA, 21rpm festival GREAT BRITAIN, Ars Electronica Center AUSTRIA, TADAEX festival in IRAN . With „Lightstorm“ an immersive LEDinstallation, he made new experiences in visualization and lightinstallations.
//**Jan Nahuel Jenny,**// born 1983 lives and works in Linz. Likes to work in the contrast between bleating sheep and flickering monitors, outdoors and indoors. Since 2020 in the (haze) circle of STWST
//**taro knopp**// observes, researches, works, experiments, plays with the fringes of science, art, politics, life, realities,...
//**Mika Bankomat,**// part of construction crew
//**Bastian Lehner,**// part of construction crew