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Mario Bergamasco **LivIn Spaces**
---- NIGHTLINE STWST Main Venue Friday Night, 23:00 ---- {{:img_0133-1280x1707.jpg?1200|}} Field recordings, hammered dulcimer, guitar, ship, space, electronics, movement, matter… ---- **LivIn Spaces** is the result of composer **Mario Bergamasco**'s artist residency, which he was able to spend on the autonomous measuring ship Eleonore in May 2024. In the multi-part work, Bergamasco examines the autonomous measuring ship as a space and its multi-layered spatial qualities. The first time we board the ship, we enter a new space. Sure, **we cross a border**, cross a bridge, go from land to water. We now live here, where everything flows and ripples. It's a lot cooler. I put on a jumper and sit down on the borderline between the industrial area and the nature reserve. I close my eyes and listen to the vastness. The worlds around us alternate in their presence. Where are the boundaries now? Do things lose their meaning? Can everything really be reinterpreted? Have we been robbed of our references, I ask the neighbouring beaver (I have christened him Baudrillard and giggle a little). The days go by. People come and go, everything is in flux, we argue. I experience the space as the result of social relationships, experience the ship as a container, as a body of sound, as a sound space. Sure, the ship is also here when we are not there, everything sounds even without us (well, I'm not sure.... the world is uncertain.... or not?) Or am I only through the ship (the time is set!)....At least I am not the ship, but also the ship. We relate to each other, that's why we are all the ship here now. The ship definitely doesn't make us, ...us,..... me.... seaworthy. Lack of space, limits, possibilities, all that and everything all at once. And what happens later? Perhaps the discomfort of a beautiful day?