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Flo Panhölzl **minus**
---- Sound Performance Sun, 15:45-16:15 STWST Main Venue Also part of [[NOPE SOUND PERFORMANCES AND TALK]] ---- /* {{:kann_weg_flo_0_1.618_minus.jpg?1200|}} */ {{:kann_weg_flo_0_1.618_sine.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\ **White noise contains (analogous to white light) all frequencies** of the audible spectrum with a constant spectral power density and is random without recognizable patterns. Following the annual theme of Stadtwerkstatt, during the sound performance, specific frequency components are deliberately extracted from an approximation of white noise generated from sine waves. **This creates a fluid to flickering journey through the audible sound spectrum,** with different patterns emerging from the noise. A dynamically thinning sound sculpture, at the end of which only a sine tone remains. \\ Flo Panhölzl will also take part at [[NOPE SOUND PERFORMANCES AND TALK]]. \\ \\ ---- **//Flo Panhölzl//** spends as much time as possible in nature, engages in activities such as permaculture and biology, and loves traveling in synthetic digital soundscapes. Currently, his focus is on research into the evolution and ecology of giant viruses. Additionally, he frequently works on the realization of digital sound projects. https://flok.xaok.org/