/* STWST48x10 NOPE ist im Sept 2024 gelaufen: [[Dokumentation]] */ \\ STWST48x10 NOPE ran with an extensive programme in Sept 2024: [[Documentation]] {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}} ---- /* {{:razzle_dazzle_2_c.jpg?1200nolink|}} */ {{:01_dazzle_nope.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\
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Not Real Gesamtkunstwerk: Imagination as Material.
{{:stwst_als_schiff_merge.jpg?220nolink|}} [[Die STWST als Schiff]] - STWST Dptm. Gesamtkunstwerk Unfinished {{:kriechlicht_f_jjenny.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Kriechlicht Das Wesen]] - STWST Dptm. Unstable Imaginations {{:merge_sleep_ship_2.jpg?220nolink|}} [[Schlafschiff I-III - Aufstand der Imagination]] - STWST Dptm. Navigation, Brandmayr, Benzer, Singer {{:eleonore_extendet_klein.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Eleonore extEndet]] - GRUPPE4+++ {{:petersen_auf_der_hohen_see_02_courtesy_sixpackfilm.large.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Vom aufkeimenden Entschluss, wohl oder übel eine Reise antreten zu müssen]] - Ralf Petersen {{:cave-wadi-neu.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Zwei Flüsse | Drained memory flows]] - C.M.H. - - {{:ship_talk.jpg?220nolink|}} //A talk will be held on this focus: The// [[NOPE SHIP TALK]]. \\ /* [[Aufstand der Sprache Planet of Sleep]] - STWST Dptm. Navigation, Tanja Brandmayr und Astrid Benzer */ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Unmediated Art Exhibition: Recruiting the Algorithm!
{{:johanna_bruckner_metabolic_hardware_2023_video_still_3_.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Metabolic Hardware]] - Johanna Bruckner {{:1_forehead-vulva-channeling-research_sofia-braga_still-from-video.png?100nolink|}} [[Forehead Vulva Channeling Research]] - S()fia Braga {{:flock_idontexistyet.jpg?100nolink|}} [[I don't exist yet]] - Susanna Flock {{:flock_buildingaioutofclay_flock_2_web.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Building A.I. out of Clay]] - Susanna Flock {{:posthuman_recruiting.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Posthuman recruiting]] - Kairus {{:big-leak-1-cr-video-still-jiawen.png?100nolink|}} [[Let Yourself Leak A Little]] - jiawen uffline {{:dasha_s_kitchen:grilled-cheese-cover.jpg?100|}} [[Dasha's Kitchen – My magical grilled cheese Sandwich. Recipe]] - Dasha Ilina {{:stwst48x10_nope_robert_collins.jpg?100nolink|}} [[The Contestation Café]] - Robert Collins {{:climatecast-me.png?100nolink|}} [[ClimateCast.me!]] - Michael Aschauer {{:2_2.jpg?100nolink|}} [[fliegende_hollaenderin_a.t|Fliegende Holländerin]] - Veronika Lesniak, Ralf Petersen & Laura Wegscheider - - //A talk will be held on this focus: The// [[Cooking and Repairing the Algorithm Talk]]. \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Mars Exhibition and the Multiplication of Media Art Archives:
{{:10x10x10_website.png?100nolink|}} [[10x10x10 of Media Art (with an attitude)]] - Shu Lea Cheang, Franz Xaver and Guests {{:marspatent_reiche_oldenburg.jpeg?100nolink|}} [[Re Capitulating THE MARS PATENT]] - Claudia Reiche, Helene von Oldenburg - //There will be a live event for both events:// //The// [[10x10x10 of Media Art (with an attitude)|10x10x10 Media Art Dinner]] //and the// [[Re Capitulating THE MARS PATENT|Re Capitulating THE MARS PATENT Talk]]. {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}} /* {{:nope_w_01_v.jpg?1200nolink|}} */
Nope Extra Blood: Living on the Dead Artmarket.
{{:bloodproof_of_life_filmstill_.jpg?110nolink|}} [[Bloodproof of Life, Part Videoproof]] - STWST \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Information Especially Irrational? But Still Well Dressed.
{{:wurzel_minus_1_shop_fx_t.jpg?100nolink|}} [[Wurzel Minus 1 Shop]] - Franz XAVER \\ /* {{:nope_w_22.jpg?1200nolink|}} */ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Intentional Reorganisation of Sound Means: Yope, Listen and Discuss!
{{:idle-stwst.png?100nolink|}} [[IDLE]] - Piksel Bergen {{:doku1.png?100nolink|}} [[auditory schism]] - Jonas Hammerer {{:unstablesystems_sujet_band.png?100nolink|}} [[THREE BODIES]] - Unstable Systems {{:kann_weg_flo_0_1.618_minus.jpg?100nolink|}} [[minus]] - Flo Panhölzl /* [[KANN WEG oder MINUS]] - Flo Panhölzl */ - - {{:nope_sound_talk.jpg?220nolink|}} //This focus will be accompanied by a sound performance and talk focus: // [[NOPE SOUND PERFORMANCES AND TALK]]. /* //A talk will be held on this focus: The// [[NOPE SOUND TALK]]. */ \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Not On Planet Earth NIGHTLINE - Friday Night.
{{:img_0133-1280x1707.jpg?100|}} 23.00: [[Mario_Bergamasco|Mario Bergamasco]] {{:isabella_forciniti_zofia_analog.jpg?100|}} 00.30: [[Isabella Forciniti]] {{:fractalface-renderer3.png?100nolink|}} 02.00: [[noisy volumes]] {{:tot_onyx_by_yoko_kusano.jpg?100nolink|}} 03.30: [[Tot Onyx]] [[Cafe Strom DJ-Line]]: 22.00 - 01.00: c'clair & Nyunya 01.00 - 04.00: I-ID -
Not On Planet Earth NIGHTLINE - Saturday Night.
{{:li_viasa_4.jpg?100nolink|}} 23.00: [[merche_blasco|Merche Blasco]] {{:kaiju1.jpg?100nolink|}} 00.30: [[Kaiju meets Rheuma 3000]] {{:yukoaraki_2024_photo_by_adi_putra_kopie.jpg?100nolink|}} 02:00: [[Yuko Araki]] {{:56398437_2261255070794183_535999939877011456_n.jpg?100nolink|}} 03.30: [[Tonto]] [[Cafe Strom DJ-Line]]: 22.00 - 22.30: Mika Bankomat 22.30 - 01:00 : Mess KJ 01:00 - 04.00: ronit amon \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
A Tribute ...
[[Tribute to F.E. Rakuschan]] \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
After the end: media art against the right
{{:wihp.jpg?120nolink|}} [[Nachtpicknicks statt Machtpanik]] - Übergangssenat Nachlassende Dynamik \\ \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
Critical Continuities: Versorgerin
Texts on the contents of STWST48x10 in Versorgerin#143. \\ [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/das-ende-imaginieren|Das Ende imaginieren – Alessandro Sbordoni im Versorgerin-Remix]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/on-memory-and-desire-the-state-of-leaking|Aimilia Liontou: On memory and desire. The state of leaking]] Also related: [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/06-2024/under-the-calculative-gaze|Diane Pricop: Under the Calculative Gaze]] (Versorgerin #142) [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/can-go-everything-a-match-with-new-rules|Claudia Reiche: Can Go. Everything. A Match with new Rules.]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/im-gestrupp|Ralf Petersen: Im Gestrüpp]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/schlafschiff-i-iii-aufstand-der-imagination|Schlafschiff I-III: Aufstand der Imagination]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/drained-memory-flows|Drained Memory Flows]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/nachtpicknick-gegen-machtpanik|Nachtpicknick gegen Machtpanik]] [[https://versorgerin.stwst.at/artikel/08-2024/weg-damit|Alexander Wöran: Weg damit!]] \\ {{:nope_b3.jpg?1200nolink|}}
[[https://www.fro.at/sendungen/stwst-48x10-nope/|Radio FRO Hours]]
Production diary and presented works, sounds, insights into the program. Online already available! \\ Get Connected to Radio FRO - FRIDAY: 17:00 – 18:00 [[https://www.fro.at/produktionstagebuch-stwst48x10-nope/|Produktionstagebuch STWST48x10 NOPE.]] 20:00 – 21:00 [[https://www.fro.at/texte-aus-der-versorgerin-143/|Texte aus der Versorgerin #143]] 22:00 – 22:30 [[https://www.fro.at/drained-memory-flows/|Drained memory flows]] 22:30 – 00:00 [[https://www.fro.at/haensel-und-gretel-pfeifen-in-die-chemisierte-luft/|Hänsel und Gretel pfeifen in die chemisierte Luft.]] \\ Get Connected to Radio FRO - SATURDAY: 00:00 – 07:00 [[https://www.fro.at/stwst48x10-nope-fliegende-hollaenderin/|STWST48x10 NOPE. Fliegende Holländerin]] 9:30 – 10:00 [[https://www.fro.at/schlafschiff-i-iii-aufstand-der-imagination/|Schlafschiff I-III: Aufstand der Imagination]] 12:00 – 13:00 [[https://www.fro.at/texte-aus-der-versorgerin-143/|Texte aus der Versorgerin #143]] 14:00 – 15:00 [[https://www.fro.at/produktionstagebuch-stwst48x10-nope/|Produktionstagebuch STWST48x10 NOPE.]] 15:00 – 15:30 [[https://www.fro.at/drained-memory-flows/|Drained memory flows]] 15:30 – 17:00 [[https://www.fro.at/haensel-und-gretel-pfeifen-in-die-chemisierte-luft/|Hänsel und Gretel pfeifen in die chemisierte Luft.]] 17:00 – 18:00 [[https://www.fro.at/texte-aus-der-versorgerin-143/|Texte aus der Versorgerin #143]] 22:00 – 22:30 [[https://www.fro.at/schlafschiff-i-iii-aufstand-der-imagination/|Schlafschiff I-III: Aufstand der Imagination]] 22:30 – 00:00 [[https://www.fro.at/haensel-und-gretel-pfeifen-in-die-chemisierte-luft/|Hänsel und Gretel pfeifen in die chemisierte Luft.]] \\ Get Connected to Radio FRO - SUNDAY: 00:00 – 07:00 [[https://www.fro.at/stwst48x10-nope-fliegende-hollaenderin/|STWST48x10 NOPE. Fliegende Holländerin]] 11:00 – 12:00 [[https://www.fro.at/produktionstagebuch-stwst48x10-nope/|Produktionstagebuch STWST48x10 NOPE.]] 15:00 – 15:30 [[https://www.fro.at/drained-memory-flows/|Drained memory flows]] 15:30 – 17:00 [[https://www.fro.at/haensel-und-gretel-pfeifen-in-die-chemisierte-luft/|Hänsel und Gretel pfeifen in die chemisierte Luft.]] 17:30 – 18:00 [[https://www.fro.at/schlafschiff-i-iii-aufstand-der-imagination/|Schlafschiff I-III: Aufstand der Imagination]] 18:00 – 02:00 NACHTPICKNICK LIVE \\ /* {{:razzle_dazzle5_c.jpg?1200nolink|}} */ /* {{:nope_w_11.jpg?1200nolink|}} */ /* STWST48x10 NOPE ran in Sept 2024: [[dokumentation|documentation]] */ \\ {{:nope_white_22.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\
What Else
**STWST Nope:** NOPE to the species on the edge. **STWST Yope:** YOPE to critical production, even if right in wrong is not possible. **STWST Various Comments I:** The whole is the art. **STWST Various Comments II:** Gesamtkunstwerk not finished. **STWST Various Comments III:** Even the prompts are screaming! **STWST as a continuum of criticism:** And then you yourself have become raw material. **STWST Question:** How did it get this far? **STWST invites to a** [[Schedule|Guided Tour]]. **The whole programme as a** [[Schedule|Schedule]]. **The artist-run STWST is also running 2024:** Genre-free art in the building's Anti-White Cube. **The STWST stands as always:** For new art contexts and autonomous structures. **The STWST in its permanent incompleteness says:** The house loses nothing. The house forgets nothing. \\ {{:nope_w_01.jpg?1200nolink|}}