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Franz XAVER **Wurzel Minus 1 Shop (Root of Minus One Shop)**
---- Infolab Shop Entrance Area Continuous ---- \\ {{:wurzel_minus_1_shop_fx_t.jpg?1200nolink|}} \\ **Stop making sense: root of minus one,** a maths term - it is used in the world of complex numbers. \\ **Mathematics offers us a mirror of reality.** Complex numbers can be used to integrate dreams, utopias, art, social actions and swarm behaviour into the world of logical decisions. They are an indispensable tool for anchoring human parameters in a world of logic. **The Infolab of the Stadtwerkstatt has been researching the nature of information for over 10 years.** The result can be seen in the //Root from Minus One//, we see it at STWST48x10 on T-shirts, posters and shirt collars and the social component. - **//Root of minus one// products** are offered for sale in the //Root on Minus One Shop//. More about [[https://newcontext.stwst.at/en/projects/infolab/start|Research at Infolab]]. \\ ---- **//Franz XAVER (AT)//** has studied at the Academy of Applied Art, department of “Visual Communication” founded by Peter Weibel. Subsequently he was teaching computer languages, audio-visual productions, electronics and electrical technics at the same Academy until 1992. At the Technical University of Graz he was lecturing at the department “Institut für Baukunst” “CommunicationTheory”. He was participating in numerous exhibitions in Austria and abroad, including Ars Electronica, Aperto Biennale di Venezia, Triennale Milano, Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle Bonn in Germany. Director of Medienkunstlabor in Kunsthaus Graz 2003-2007. Since 2008 he works in STWST Linz. \\ **DOCUMENTATION** {{gallery>:doku:wurzel}}