NOPE Sound Talk

Sun, 17:00-18:00-open end possible

On Sun, 8 Sept, the NOPE SOUND TALK will take place after the sound performances in the afternoon. The sound artists and programmers of this year's edition are invited to present their sound projects, approaches and intentions to colleagues and interested guests and to exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. The NOPE SOUND TALK will take place in the ship setting on the Maindeck in front of the Stadtwerkstatt.

Fixed participants are: Piksel Bergen as indomitable open source programmers, Unstable Systems from Graz as instrument makers and computer musicians, the protagonists and guests of Tamlab Linz, Jonas Hammerer and Merche Blasco, who are launching the Tangible Music Club in Linz together with Martin Kaltenbrunner and Enrique Tomas in terms of DIY instrument making and sonic arts - and Flo Panhölzl, who has been working on a minimalist soundsetting especially for Nope. These are the projects of the artists and critical producers listed here:
IDLE - Piksel Bergen
auditory schism - Jonas Hammerer
Fauna - Merche Blasco
THREE BODIES - Unstable Systems
KANN WEG oder MINUS - Flo Panhölzl

Further (sound) artists may be added.

Viewers and listeners are cordially invited to join the talk.

The talk on the Maindeck will lead directly into the Nachtpicknicks statt Machtpanik (Night Picnics against Power Panic) - an opportunity for media artists of any kind to position themselves against the shift to the right.

Further information about SOUND:

A sound brunch by STWST cooperation partner Tangible Music Lab is already taking place on Saturday – as part of Sonic Saturdays on Sat, 7 Sept, 10:00-12:00 am. Find out More.

Note on the cooperation between Tangible Music Lab and STWST:
The pilot project Tangible Music Club will be incorporated into the Nope Sound Talk. The Tangible Music Club aims to establish a network for sonic arts in Linz and to address the trend towards self-built electronic musical instruments and music controllers in the contemporary music and club scenes. With the expertise of the Lab, the artists and the Stadtwerkstatt, projects will be presented and new presentation formats for new soundscapes will be jointly promoted.